First Adventure!

Okay, it wasn't really much of an adventure, just our first little foray off post to see what the town looks like. Since this is such a big post you can't really just walk right off like we could in Daegu. There are three different shuttle lines here, so I had to figure out which one ran from the hotel to the walk-in gate, and then find the different one that ran from the gate back to the hotel. I found a bus that runs throughout the city that can take us to a lot of places that I want to check out, but we don't have T-money cards yet (you add money to them and can use them on buses, taxis, and subways) and it's kind of a pain to use cash so I decided to just walk around a bit right outside post to see what we could see. And this is what we saw! Please forgive the shakiness. I am finding that the tremor in my right hand is starting to be more of a problem than it has in the past, so I'm going to need to find some way around that.

We're so excited to be back in this country that we love so much, and I can't wait to find out more about our new home.


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